X's weird webspace

main title

this is pretty cool :3

table of contents



test points

inline code

Nice code: print("hello world") Empty thing: ``

Imagine a world where you can do whatever you want.

test code

print("hello world")
public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("god i love lume");
putTodo :: (Int, String) -> IO ()
putTodo (n, todo) = putStrLn (show n ++ ": " ++ todo)

prompt :: [String] -> IO ()
prompt todos = do
    putStrLn ""
    putStrLn "Current TODO list:"
    mapM_ putTodo (zip [0..] todos)
    command <- getLine
    interpret command todos

interpret :: String -> [String] -> IO ()
interpret ('+':' ':todo) todos = prompt (todo:todos)
interpret ('-':' ':num ) todos =
    case delete (read num) todos of
        Nothing -> do
            putStrLn "No TODO entry matches the given number"
            prompt todos
        Just todos' -> prompt todos'
interpret  "q"           todos = return ()
interpret  command       todos = do
    putStrLn ("Invalid command: `" ++ command ++ "`")
    prompt todos

delete :: Int -> [a] -> Maybe [a]
delete 0 (_:as) = Just as
delete n (a:as) = do
    as' <- delete (n - 1) as
    return (a:as')
delete _  []    = Nothing

main = do
    putStrLn "Commands:"
    putStrLn "+ <String> - Add a TODO entry"
    putStrLn "- <Int>    - Delete the numbered entry"
    putStrLn "q          - Quit"
    prompt []
using System.Diagnostics;

public static void Main()
  StackTrace stackTrace = new StackTrace();           // get call stack
  StackFrame[] stackFrames = stackTrace.GetFrames();  // get method calls (frames)

  // write call stack method names
  foreach (StackFrame stackFrame in stackFrames)
    Console.WriteLine(stackFrame.GetMethod().Name);   // write method name
writing in unknown language, what will happen?


console.log {
    "hello": "world"

test list

test table



test quote


test blockquote

cool blockquote hahahah long as frick see i can write long stuff ooo that looks pretty cool hahahahaha funny lol

test format






italic underlined

italic bold

other tests

idk how its called

but its this thing 1

and idk 2 hwo its called but its cool

some other things cool

bla bla bla bla <insert cool stuff here>

  1. haha cool ↩

  2. it means i dont know ↩